Important Announcement for DigiEduHack submissions
- Thursday, November 14, 2024, 2:23 PM -
Dear Green Campus Hackathon teams,
We hope this message finds you well and brimming with creativity as you work on your projects! We want to update you about an important change regarding the submission of your project solutions for DigiEduHack.
We were informed by the DigiEduHack platform that only PDF files can be uploaded,therefore you cannot upload your videos.
Instead, DigiEduHack requires that:
  1. Teams provide, among other details, a short description of their solution (max 250 characters). So please prepare the short description in advance. DigiEduHack submission link
  2. HMU Hackathon organizers will gather all pitch deck videos and send them to DigiEduHack.
Please ensure that you submit the short description by the specified deadline (18:00 CET).
Also, during the submission please state your team’s name (team number) and one or more members of your team that have registered to DigiEduHack platform (available drop-down menu with names).
Thank you for your understanding and adaptability in this process.
We are excited to see your innovative solutions come to life!
The INVITE Hackathon Admin Team,
On behalf of the “INVITE” Erasmus+ Project